Fertility acupuncture, melbourne 



Robert has over a decades experience working with patients who have fertility, pregnancy or women's health concerns and those undergoing IVF treatments. Robert incorporates the latest scientific research into his treatments and combines these with traditional, holistic approaches. He commonly works with gynaecologists, obstetricians, and reproductive specialists and firmly believes in the integration of medicine, combining the best of East and West. Robert completed his clinical internship in the Gynaecology department of Shanghai Shu Guang Hospital and went on to complete further training in Natural Fertility and IVF Support.

If you are interested in making an appointment with Robert or would simply like to have a chat, please feel free to contact Robert at the clinic on 03 9337 8572 or send him an email at robert@essendonnaturalhealth.com.au


Fertility Acupuncture with Robert

Whats involved? 

A typical consultation begins with Robert assessing the health of both partners. The first step is to understand the current state of health and wellbeing in each partner to determine what kind of care is required and for whom. This involves seeing the male partner's semen analysis (if required), blood tests, and an understanding of the state of his general health. For the female partner, Robert needs to understand the cycle regularity, quality of menstruation, ovulation timing/quality, cervical mucus quality, viewing of Basal Body Temperature charts if available, hormonal panels and other blood tests, internal ultrasound/tubal patency/laparoscopy results (if they have been performed), and a general understanding of her health. 

What methods may be utilised? 

Robert utilises a versatile approach to encourage self healing that explores both the East Asian and western traditions of medicine. This may involve integrating acupuncture, both traditional Chinese and very gentle Japanese styles of practice, moxibustion (heat therapy), Cupping therapy, soft tissue release techniques such as abdominal massage, dietary and lifestyle modifications, Herbal medicine (Chinese and Western), and integrative natural medicines.  

Why see Robert? 

Robert has over a decades experience working with patients who have fertility, pregnancy or women's health concerns and those undergoing IVF treatments. Robert incorporates the latest scientific research into his treatments and combines these with traditional, holistic approaches. He commonly works with gynaecologists, obstetricians, and reproductive specialists and firmly believes in the integration of medicine, combining the best of East and West. Robert completed his clinical internship in the Gynaecology department of Shanghai Shu Guang Hospital and went on to complete further training in natural fertility and IVF support. 

How long does an acupuncture session go for? 

Acupuncture consultations last for one hour and the needles are retained for about 25-30 minutes. 

What are your fees? 

Initial Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Consultation $135.00 (One Hour)

Follow Up Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Consultation $100.00 (One Hour)

Herbal medicine and supplements are an extra cost. These are always discussed with you prior to dispensing. HICAPS in available onsite for instant private health rebates and concession is available for students and pension card holders. 

Do you see LGBTI couples undergoing medical fertility treatments? 

Yes, all are welcome at the clinic. Robert has a lot of experience in working with same sex couples undergoing IVF treatments. 

Do you see couples or individuals undergoing donor egg/donor sperm programs? 

Yes, Robert works with couples and individuals who are undergoing donor egg or donor sperm programs in Australia and overseas. Robert has a good knowledge of egg donor programs in Greece, Europe, and  South Africa, having worked with patients undergoing these programs over the last ten years. 


If you are interested in making an appointment with Robert or would simply like to have a chat, please feel free to contact Robert at the clinic on 03 9337 8572 or send him an email at robert@essendonnaturalhealth.com.au



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