According to a major recent review of all the scientific research to date, acupuncture has now been conclusively proven for 8 conditions, with good to moderate evidence supporting another 38 conditions, and some evidence for a further 71 conditions.

Conditions that contain strong and moderate scientific evidence include hayfever and allergic rhinitis, knee osteoarthritis, chronic lower back pain, tension type headaches, migraine prophylaxis, post operative nausea, and nausea from chemotherapy (McDonald & Janz, 2017).

The authors ended the study concluding that:

"It has been estimated that there is a 17-year time lag in translating clinical research into clinical practice (5). During this time patients are being deprived of the benefit of a proven therapy. Health policy makers now have clear conditions associated with a significant burden of disease where acupuncture should be integrated into current clinical guidelines without further delay."

At Essendon Natural Health, we believe in the integration of natural and convention approaches. If you or your medical doctor would like to discuss how acupuncture could be integrated into your current healthcare plan, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to write to your medical doctor about how we could help and what evidence there is to support our natural drug-free treatments.

Source: McDonald J, Janz S. The Acupuncture Evidence Project: A Comparative Literature Review (Revised Edition). Brisbane: Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd; 2017.